Wyoming Counseling Association
About us
“The Wyoming Counseling Association’s mission is the enhancement of human development throughout the life span and the promotion of the counseling profession.”
The Wyoming Counseling Association (WCA) is a nonprofit, professional organization with the purpose of advocating for the counseling profession and supporting counselors across the state in their work and continuing education.
WCA started out as the Wyoming Personnel and Guidance Association in 1954, under the direction of Dr. Lyle L. Miller. At that time, Dr. Miller was head of the Department of Guidance and Counseling at the University of Wyoming. Counselors from many areas of expertise now come together for the purpose of collaborating about current research, trends, policies and programs within the counseling profession.
WCA membership includes counselors in private practice, addiction specialists, play therapists, school counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, community mental health therapists, and those in student affairs and college counseling. Being aware of current systems of care across Wyoming aids counselors in working together cooperatively, and enhancing the quality of service provided to clients. The Wyoming School Counseling Association is a branch of WCA.
WCA is a branch of the American Counseling Association
The American Counseling Association (ACA) is committed to nondiscrimination and to the prevention of harassment in all forms—verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological—including protections for transgender, gender non-conforming, and LGBTQ+ individuals.
As a branch of ACA, the Wyoming Counseling Association is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion among its membership and to advocating for the needs of all those served by counselors in Wyoming, particularly those who have experienced marginalization and oppression based on their identities.

“Adherence to the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice shall be a condition of membership in the Wyoming Counseling Association.”