Work Smarter, Not Harder! One of the many benefits of belonging to a professional association is the ability to collaborate and share best practices. The ACA-ACES Syllabus Clearinghouse is a unique member resource, which allows counselor educators to share successful syllabi OR find new ideas for class assignments, policy statements, and assigned readings within the following categories:
Addictions / Substance Abuse Counseling
Career Development
Child / Adolescent Counseling
College Counseling / Student Development
Counseling Theories
Diagnosis / Treatment
Ethics / Legal Issues
Group Work
Helping Relationships / Counseling Techniques
Human Growth & Development
Marriage / Couple / Family Counseling
Mental Health Counseling
Pedagogy / Teaching
Professional Orientation / Foundations
Rehabilitation Counseling
Research / Statistics
School Counseling
Social / Cultural Diversity
Social Justice / Advocacy
Special Topics
Spiritual / Religious Values
Supervision / Consultation
Testing / Measurement / Assessment
Help your fellow counselor educators and submit a summer syllabus now! Thanks for your commitment to the counseling profession. Questions or comments about this service? Email Eriq Ocampo, ACA Librarian.